Taquirah   |   20190222

미국 뉴욕의 여자 신인 R&B 아티스트 'Taquirah' 의 싱글 [Lonely] 발매

Up-and-coming artist Taquirah releases her breakout music video for debut single "Lonely." The music video presents the juxtaposition of the oxymoronic feelings that arise from a past relationship through a soft, divine and vulnerable balletic depiction of sadness against the angry anguish through sharp contemporary street dance. The audience follows the two dancers through their journey of self-acceptance and transcendence above the past in a deserted space suspended in construction that once held the promise of a bright future.

Taquirah is a performance artist from Illinois. She started her training at Joffrey Ballet, and graduated from UNCSA for dance. She focuses on creating performance art pieces and fusing ballet into the hip hop music scene. Together with Rebel Motion, an international creative production agency from New York City, she and female director Isabella Tan create a visual story of the female experience featuring the dance talents of both Taquirah and Jessica Hu, a ground-breaking visual/dance artist who performed with other notable artists such as Dev Hynes, Wyclef, T-Pain and Macklemore.

01 Lonely

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