'브로산디 Brosand' 전체검색 결과

'브로산디 Brosand' 검색 결과

Luminant Entertainment

"브로산디 Brosand" 전체검색 결과 (1개)

NEW RELEASE 게시판 내 결과

  • 브로산디 (Brosand:) | 품에 잠겨   새창

    브로산디(Brosand:)’[품에 잠겨] “힘든 하루 끝에는 서로가 서있어서 우린 아무것도 걱정이 안돼” 힘들고 지친 세상에서 따뜻한 품이 되어줄게 [품에 잠겨] Credits Composed & words written and arranged by Brosand: (Sangbin Yoon) Piano by Brosand: Synths by Brosand: Electric Guitar by Brosand: Bass by Brosand: Recorded by Brosand: Mixed by Brosand:, LiTrilla Ma…


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